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One World Trade Center

We remember
We rebuild
We come back stronger
– President Obama (Message left on One World Trade Center steel beam)

That last sentence by President Obama is spot on. New York City came back stronger, One World Trade Center and the One World Observatory is quite impressive. Almost 14 years later after that fateful day on September 11th, 2001 One World Trade Center opened its doors to the public for the first time. What an impressive accomplishment by the men and women who build the tower. I was fortunate enough to go up there on opening day. It was a long wait, but it was well worth it. If you are visiting New York, definitely take the time to visit One WTC and the Observatory. You’ll have three floors (102nd, 101st and 100th) to explore magnificent 360 degrees view of the city. 

Below are the photos that I took with the Leica M-A, Summicron 35/2 and Kodak Tri-X 400. The photos were developed (XTOL) and scanned (Pakon) at home. It’s somewhat ironic, because I bet that prior to 2001 most photos that were taken on the old observation deck were with film cameras. It’s tough to take a film camera with you nowadays, because it has to go through an x-ray machine for security reasons. Luckily none of my photos was impacted. Some of them show a bit of window glare/reflection.